Publish Date: 08-03-2024
University Faculty Association (henccforth referrcd to as VBUFA) for 2023-2024 will be held on March 27. 2024
President. 1.
2. Two Vice-Presidents
3. Seeretary.
3. Treasurer.
4. Three Joint Secretaries
5. Cultural Sccretary.
6. Ten other members.
Voting system
The elections will be held by secret ballot and first past the post', non-transferable vote system. Each eligible voter shall cast votes for 19 or less candidates: one for the post of 'President', two for the posts of Vice Presidents', one for the post of'Secretary', one for the post ofTreasurer', three for the posts of Joint Secretaries', one for the post of Cultural Secretary' and ten for Executive Committee members other than office bearers. Any ballot where more than 19 votes have been registered shall be cancelled. If for any position more votes are registered by a voter than the number stipulated above, the votes cast for that position by that voter shall not be counted. For example, if any voter votes for two candidates for the post of treasurer, his/her votes for the post of treasurer shall be invalid.